At what months can a child be placed (girls and boys)

When can you put your baby on his bottom? There are different conditions here that I will try to explain to parents. According to books, children sit down at 6-7 months, and in reality this happens. But in our practice, we constantly hear this question from mothers, especially those who have their first baby, and we also see that many children are not physically ready to sit at six months. In order for a child to sit, it is necessary to reach a physical age of 6-7 months, provided that the child was born full-term. sufficient strength of the back and abdominal muscles, a sufficiently developed vestibular apparatus for this skill, nothing should interfere with the child’s sitting (usually this is tone in the legs). Therefore, when wondering at what age children can be seated, you must first look at what the child can do, what his physical condition is, and whether he is ready to sit. In our practice, it happens that children are not ready to sit even at 10 months, although in such cases, with the right approach, i.e. gymnastics, they strengthen much faster than 7-8 month old children.

we plant the child

Do babies start at 4 or 5 months? Unfortunately, sometimes there are fans of very early development of children, but it is not recommended to sit a child before 6 months, because the baby’s bone skeleton still contains a lot of cartilage and deformations are possible under prolonged exposure to gravity. It is especially bad if the child is also supported with pillows so that he gets used to sitting. Do children sit at 6 months if they still don’t have balance and strength? Yes, at six months and older you can sit your baby down, but only as an exercise to strengthen muscles and train balance. Those. During a massage with gymnastics, the purpose of which is to teach the child to sit, you can sit the child for a short time, fixing it only with the hands of a specialist or mother. Typically, such exercises begin with 30 seconds and gradually increase the time every day. At first the child feels uncomfortable and hard, but gradually the baby finds balance, the muscles become stronger from the load and after 10 sessions the baby sits much more confidently.

Is it possible to sit a child at 4 or 5 months if he has strong muscles and asks to sit down? Usually mothers believe that the child wants to sit down when he raises his head from the surface on which he lies on his back or tries to bend forward, but at this moment the child is driven by the interest of looking at everything around from a more comfortable position, and new sensations from this skill, and Children sit down on all fours. I believe that no matter what muscles there are at 4-5 months of age, a child should not be put down. If the baby is strong, he will sit up on his own, but you should not help ahead of time. Another common question is whether it is possible to place a child at 6 months if it is a girl? For your peace of mind, you can sit girls from 7 months, although I have not seen any mention in educational books that it is harmful for girls to sit from 6 months. If a girl sits up on her own at 6 months, then you won’t be able to “put her down.”

Planting correctly

Is it possible to seat a child at 4 months? A question that interests all young parents, regardless of the gender of their baby. The further state of the child’s health depends on the decision made. Therefore, in such a matter it is very important not to rush, but to adhere to the established deadlines.

Up to 4 months, the baby’s spine is not yet ready for stress. The optimal body position is considered to be horizontal. The spine under the age of 4 months is very fragile, because of this the cartilages can be easily damaged. And the most dangerous thing in such a situation is that the problem will not be immediately visible. Most likely, it will appear closer to 10 years.

As many years of experience have shown, it is better to start sitting down a child no earlier than six months of age. It is also worth considering that boys try to sit down much earlier than girls. But these are conditional statistics; in practice, everything depends on the individual characteristics and development of the baby.

Regular observations by parents of the baby’s achievements will help determine when it’s time to start sitting the baby down. Most often, they notice the baby’s first attempts to sit up on his own. This action shows that the child’s spine is already strong enough and can withstand the load.

This period most often occurs when the baby can already confidently hold his head up and roll over. Don't worry if this event has not yet happened to your baby. It is important to understand that each child is individual.

When to plant a girl

Gynecologists deny the idea that if a girl is born early, the proper development of her reproductive organs may be disrupted. The myth is associated with the fact that if you place a girl before 6 months, the uterus will bend. Moreover, this position of the organ is physiological for adolescents and most girls who have not yet given birth.

Therefore, the main reason focused on whether a girl can be placed at 4 months or not is due to the fact that the child’s spine is not yet strong at this age.

But it’s still better not to rush to drop off the girl. Wait until the baby makes her first attempts on her own.

What about the boys?

Mothers of male babies can breathe easy. You can plant a boy at 4 months if he is already trying to do it on his own. And most often, by 4–5 months the baby is already actively mastering this skill. Before this date, do not try to plant the baby.

If your child does not try to sit up on his own at the age of 5 months, then you should not force the baby to sit down. It is important to understand that if a child does not try, it means he is not ready yet.

If a boy stretches with all his might, then falls, and then rolls, then help him. Try to hold him by the lower back during such movements. With time and your help, attempts will be made more confidently, and soon the baby will learn to sit.

And remember, the baby will never harm himself. And he will make his attempts to master new skills solely on his own sensations inherent in nature.

From what age can you put your baby in a high chair?

The child needs to gradually change the angle of the backrest so that the muscles and bone apparatus gradually get used to it. At 4.5-6 months, the angle of inclination in the high chair is preferably 40-60 degrees. Next, the child usually tries to sit down on his own, grabbing the sides of the chair. It is better if the child is given the opportunity to lie back on his back if he gets tired, this will make it easier for the baby to learn, he will adjust his position himself. Car seats, slings, various carriers, cocoons, kangaroos, etc. - remember that forced verticalization, without the ability to lie down, is not recommended for children under 6-7 months. And nothing can justify you, your sore or weak back, weak arms, heavy child, inconvenience and haste, these are all problems of adults, because of which the child should not be exposed to things that are undesirable for him.

What to consider

When deciding whether it is possible to place a child at 4 months, it is very important to take into account important nuances:

  1. You need to teach your child to sit very carefully and gradually. To get started, a few minutes a day will be enough. This way you will minimize the load on your spine.
  2. The first attempts should be made in the hands of an adult. And the baby’s body should be exclusively in a semi-sitting position. For the first time, 30–40 seconds will be enough.
  3. Do not start putting your child out if he does not yet know how to roll over on his own, does not stand on his legs with support and does not try to crawl.
  4. Help your child strengthen his spine and muscles. An excellent solution is exercise and a light massage.

It is necessary to teach a child at a time when he is in a good mood. If the baby screams, is capricious or cries, then the attempt should be postponed for a while.

And remember that there is a time for everything. Sometimes babies begin to crawl earlier, and only then master the sitting position. There's nothing wrong with that. The main thing is that your child feels confident and comfortable.

Is it possible or not?

When asked by parents whether it is possible to sit a baby at 4 months, pediatricians categorically answer no. Some mothers begin to sit their children down as early as 3-4 months, despite doctors’ prohibitions.

There is a difference between the concepts of planting and planting.

  • Sitting means allowing a child to sit independently in an upright position without the support of a parent.
  • To sit down - to seat a child, when he does not sit down on his own, in an upright position or at an angle, holding him by the hands or covering him with pillows.

Sitting a baby in an upright position at 4 months is strictly prohibited!

Even if his parents are holding his hands at this moment. A straight back position at this age creates excessive stress on the spine.

Some children are full of energy from birth and are constantly on the move. If a baby by the age of four months is able to pull himself up, holding onto the fingers of his mother or father, then his musculoskeletal system is already sufficiently prepared to cope with such a load.

You can do special exercises with your child to strengthen muscles, which will be described below. This will help the spine adapt to future loads and make the process of getting used to sitting on your own easier.

But under no circumstances should you leave your baby in a sitting position alone at four months!

Even if a 5-month-old baby tries to sit down on his own and succeeds, you should not leave him in a sitting position for more than 1 hour during the day. This applies to a child being in a baby carrier, car seat, playpen, while playing with parents, etc.

Advice from pediatricians

Regarding whether it is possible to seat a child at 4 months or not, the baby must be seated gradually. At this age, pediatricians recommend using a semi-sitting position in the arms of an adult. The baby's legs should be bent. Such manipulations should not exceed more than 3 minutes.

Is it possible to place a child at 4 months if he does not show any desire?! Sometimes you may notice that your child does not want to sit on a chair, sofa or kangaroo, although he is already considered appropriate age for this activity. Therefore, if you see that the baby does not like this position and is capricious, then it is better to refuse planting until the moment when the child begins to do it on his own.

Sitting down early threatens rapid curvature of the spine and disturbances in the functioning of other organs. The baby is becoming more active every day. And it seems to parents that a child at 4 months is trying to sit up. This is not entirely true. The baby just tends to raise his head and shoulders, which is regarded as an attempt to sit up. There is no need to rush this process. The fact is that at birth, the baby’s spine does not have the physiological curves necessary for sitting or walking. These changes form smoothly and gradually throughout the year. The correct development of the musculoskeletal system has a direct connection with the early birth of babies. Therefore, the situation when a child sits at 4 months, covered with pillows, is unacceptable. Irreversible consequences in the development of the motor system will answer the question: is it possible to plant a boy or girl at 4 months? With early disembarkation, rapid curvature of the spine occurs. This process is rapid and difficult to eliminate in the future. Compression of internal organs can become a serious complication. This entails disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory apparatus and cardiovascular system.

If a child wants to sit up at 4 months, it is necessary to gradually strengthen the spine and muscles. To do this, you need to perform the following simple exercise: lift the baby lying on his back by the arms so that he can pull himself up slightly.

Thus, finding yourself in a reclining position. This state can be characterized as intermediate, between sitting and lying down. Over time, the baby will calmly and confidently begin to rise himself following the movements of the adult’s hands. Then you can sit the baby down for a few minutes, lightly holding him and letting him hold his back. A pediatrician will show you how to properly sit down a child at 4 months. Mom cannot do without this knowledge. After all, it is absolutely forbidden to sit a baby down at this age, but you can sit him down. Therefore, it is so important to distinguish between these actions.

As you know, the development of a baby is purely individual and depends on many factors, and therefore it is difficult to name the exact time when a baby can be placed. However, there is a certain age difference in the independent sitting of the baby, when he demonstrates his physiological readiness for a new position of the body.

This means that the baby’s muscles must become sufficiently strong to support the spine, which bears the main load when sitting, especially without support. Since each child is unique and develops differently, the relative norms for when a baby can sit up are in a fairly wide range - from 4 to 9 months. However, most babies can sit up on their own and stay in this position for several minutes, usually at the age of 5-7 months , and even more precisely by 6.

But the question of whether it is necessary to help the baby, sit him down in pillows, as our grandmothers did, modern pediatricians answer unequivocally - no, it’s not worth it. Komarovsky, for example, believes that the later the baby starts sitting and walking, the better for the future health of his spine.

The later the vertical load on the spine occurs, the smoother the back, the stronger the legs, the better. Therefore, with regard to sitting and standing, the main task of mom and dad is not to help.

Thus, a healthy baby can sit up on his own by 6-7 months , but if this big event happens later, you also fit into the “norm”. And in order for children's muscles to strengthen, crawling will help you. It makes sense to encourage a baby to crawl and it’s not difficult to do: lay the baby on his tummy, sit opposite his head in the direction where the baby will crawl, put a bright toy as a target that will attract him. By straining all muscle groups for such a difficult process of crawling, the baby thereby strengthens them.

Source: Burda Media

It is worth understanding that no exercise will speed up the process of transformation and strengthening of the spine, which occurs individually. And believe me, the baby also really wants to change the position of her body; lying down all the time is not at all interesting. And as soon as he is ready, he will bend one leg under himself, rest his arms and sit down, without any help from you.

As for sitting on pillows and in the mother’s arms, this is not useful for the baby and is not necessary, but if you can’t do without it, follow a few rules so as not to harm your child:

  • Do not place your baby before 4 months
  • Do not hold your child in a sitting position for more than a few minutes if he has not yet sat up.
  • Do not sit the baby vertically, only tilted backwards (at an angle of 40-45 degrees) and always with support under the back

Source: Burda Media

At what age can a child be seated: important nuances

For new parents, watching their baby develop is a real pleasure. But no matter how much you would like the baby to grow up quickly and learn to be more independent, you should not rush him under any circumstances. Moreover, you cannot interfere with the physiological development of the baby by trying to get the baby to sit down as quickly as possible. Therefore, the main rule is not to plant the baby too early.

If you start placing your child early, what is the danger?

  • Newborn babies have a poorly developed muscular system. Moreover, his spine is still too weak to support its own weight, and the bones and cartilage remain soft for a long time. Therefore, any load, and especially early planting, can negatively affect the further development of the baby and its physical condition.
  • You should absolutely not “help” the baby by using supports under the back, or by holding hands from a lying position. A baby's fragile spine without a muscular corset is subjected to heavy loads, which in the future is fraught with consequences such as lordosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other curvatures of the spine. The list also includes curvature of the pelvic bones and disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

Do not rush such natural processes

Allowed time frames when a child can be imprisoned

  • Closer to 6 months, the baby actively begins to control his own body, and the muscles of the back and abdominal cavity are fully developed to maintain himself in a sitting position for some time. By this time, the bones will also become stronger and contain enough calcium so as not to become deformed.
  • As a rule, at the age of 6-8 months, children sit up from a lying position on their own , without much help from others. In addition, this process does not bring discomfort or unpleasant sensations to the child, and playing in this position is much more interesting for him.

Important: Even if the baby does not sit at the age of 7 months, then do not panic. Everyone has their own regime! But you should be wary if the baby does not hold his back at all, even in your arms. This may indicate either the presence of pathologies or a lack of exercise on the part of the parents.

  • If you notice that your baby is rapidly trying to sit up at the age of six months, he needs to create optimal and comfortable conditions. Don’t rush to run to the baby’s aid and rush him. This process should take place as naturally as possible; the baby must learn to independently maintain balance and navigate a little in space.

When planting, you need to take into account the characteristics of the baby; in this matter, boys and girls are treated differently.

Forget grandma's method with pillows!

At what age can boys be dropped off?

First of all, you need to determine whether the body is ready to sit. This can be accurately determined by an experienced pediatrician after a complete examination of the baby, but attentive parents can also do this.

  • If the baby himself is not very active, for example, he does not like warming up, various exercises, he reluctantly turns over from his back to his stomach, then this is definitely an indicator that his muscles are not yet strong enough. And development occurs a little slower than in more active children.
  • Under no circumstances should you think that there is something wrong with the child. It's all about genetics, and there's nothing to worry about. But it is better not to plant such phlegmatic boys before 6 months , or rather, we strongly do not recommend doing this before six months.
  • By the way, sometimes this indicates a lack of exercise. Therefore, you should not skip daily bathing, evening massages and gymnastic exercises for the right areas.
  • If, on the contrary, the child behaves actively, actively moves his arms and legs, and tries to roll over and sit down, then it is quite possible to allow the baby to sit for some time, starting from 5.5 months.

Important: But do not try to do this before 5 months, since the boy will not only be unsuitable for the army, but it will also affect his future sex life.

  • Sometimes the boy’s physique also plays a role. Often, well-fed babies begin to sit up on their own later than others. On the one hand, it is really difficult for such kids to maintain their weight, but the child’s temperament still plays the most important role .
  • Even if he is a little overweight, but at the same time he is very active and curious, then already at 5 months he will feel great, sitting in his mother’s arms. But at the same time, the back should not be perfectly flat.

Boys are also not allowed to be imprisoned early

What time can girls be dropped off?

  • It is absolutely not worth dropping off girls earlier than six months, or even better, 7 months. In this case, we are talking not only about the load on the spine, as in boys, but also on the genitourinary system. Due to sudden disembarkation at an early age, girls may experience changes in the development of internal organs in the future, which negatively affects reproductive activity. Although many pediatricians claim that early placement of the baby does not in any way affect the curvature of the uterus, it is still worth playing it safe and not rushing things.
  • Of course, the issue of planting remains individual for everyone. One can sit up independently at 5 months, and the other at 7-8. It all depends on the girl’s temperament and her activity, just like with boys.
  • If the baby is diligently trying to sit up at 4 months, the parents’ task is to prevent her from sitting up early as much as possible. It is necessary to place the baby away from the sides so that she does not have support to grab onto and then sit down. Also, do not place a pillow or anything under your back that could hold it in a sitting position, etc.

  • There is no need to rush with little princesses until they are 6-7 months old.

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