Optimal room temperature for a newborn

Tags: Newborn
Optimal air temperature in the room for your baby.

Every loving mother strives to create the best conditions for her child. However, we must not forget that the baby’s comfort is built not only from caring for him, but also from what surrounds him. The baby spends most of the time in his crib, which is why the main task of parents is to create comfortable conditions in the room. And the most important condition for a child’s comfort is the room temperature. Let's look at all the pros and cons and find the best solution for our little ones.

Draft air conditioner

Parents must decide which temperature control option to choose: constant ventilation or installing a split system with climate control.
Sometimes a split system becomes the only way out - if the air outside is polluted or the climate is too hot and dry. It is best to install the air conditioner in a room next to the nursery, since the direct flow of cool air from the split is harmful. When airing, the newborn should not be in the room. This moment can be combined with a walk.

Small temperature fluctuations in the room, inevitable with natural ventilation, harden the child’s body, and he gets sick less. The “greenhouse” atmosphere disables thermoregulation mechanisms. When a child accustomed to the home microclimate finds himself in other conditions (for example, in kindergarten), he runs the risk of quickly catching a cold.

If it is impossible to regulate the temperature in the room, the mother can give the child water to drink more often, give him wet wipes, and undress him, leaving only a light vest or panties.

If the temperature is below normal, you can increase it using heaters. But do not forget to periodically ventilate the nursery, renewing the oxygen.

Thermometer + hygrometer

What does Dr. Komarovsky think about this?

Dr. Komarovsky confidently claims that the ideal air temperature in a children's room is 18-19 degrees. It is necessary to remember that the temperature at which the baby breathes and the child’s sensations of cold are two different things that should not be confused.

The specialist recommends that in the first days of a baby’s life, make sure that he does not overheat or become hypothermic. There are several basic rules to follow to help maintain the healthy development of your baby:

  1. Overcooling is better than overheating. You can protect your baby from overheating at high temperatures with a bath, water, and a minimum amount of clothing.
  2. Air humidity is the key to a baby's health. With increased dry air, the child may have problems with the mucous membranes, respiratory tract, and skin.

By adhering to the rules recommended by experienced specialists, parents will be able to protect their baby from various diseases and the appearance of rashes

It is very important to consult a doctor in the first stages, but at the same time take into account the individual characteristics of the child. In some cases, 22 degrees in the room may seem too high for a child, in other cases it may seem optimal.

Parents should not dress their baby in clothes that are too warm at home. It is recommended to wear the same clothes on your child as you wear on yourself; in such conditions, he will feel calm, without overheating or getting too cold.

Dry air danger

Dry air in an apartment has an extremely negative effect on infants and forces the body to use additional resources. The level of humidity in a room is influenced by certain factors:

  • change of season;
  • change in weather conditions;
  • building materials used to decorate the premises and façade of the building;
  • air conditioning and heating systems.

Due to the increased temperature in the room, the child loses a large amount of moisture due to sweating, and the need to humidify the inhaled oxygen contributes to an even greater loss of residual fluid resources. The hot season and dry rooms are fraught with the following consequences for the baby:

  • sleep problems;
  • increased gas formation;
  • capriciousness;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

What are the dangers of overheating or hypothermia?

According to experts, overheating of a child’s body is much worse than hypothermia. Metabolism in infants is characterized by high intensity, which is associated with the production of large amounts of heat. The child needs to get rid of the excess of the latter. There are two ways to do this: breathing and evaporation of sweat.

The air exhaled by all people warms up to body temperature when it reaches the lungs. Thus, entering the body, it can have an indicator of 18 oC, and when leaving the body - 36.6 oC. In this case, a certain amount of heat is lost. If the temperature of the air released outside is 23 ° C, then heat loss is insignificant. This is wrong, since the body must lose heat, and breathing is not enough for this, then the second method is activated - through the skin. As a result, sweat is formed; for this, the body gives up some of the water and salt, the reserves of which are already very small in a newborn.

Important! A lack of fluid in a newborn’s body can lead to disruption of the functioning of organs and their systems. As a result of overheating, the following consequences arise:

As a result of overheating, the following consequences arise:

  1. The child cries a lot and cannot sleep normally.
  2. Refuses to eat.
  3. The skin turns red.
  4. A rash and prickly heat appear.
  5. Pulse and breathing increase.
  6. Colic.
  7. The appearance of white spots in the mouth.
  8. Dry white crusts form in the baby's nose.
  9. Breathing becomes difficult.

The list of symptoms indicates hypothermia:

  1. The child's hands and feet become cold.
  2. The skin around the nose and lips becomes bluish.
  3. The rest of the skin becomes very pale.

As a result of hypothermia, the child can catch a severe cold, which is fraught with serious complications. Obviously, the risk of this problem occurs mainly in winter.

One of the most obvious signs of overheating is redness of the baby's skin.

Since overheating is a rather dangerous condition for a baby, it is very important to protect the baby from the negative consequences that it usually leads to. You can act in three directions:

  • Leave the child wearing a minimum amount of clothing;
  • Give the child plenty of fluids;
  • Frequent bathing.

Danger of low humidity levels

Low moisture content in room air negatively affects the well-being of all newborn babies. Parents often do not notice reduced levels of this parameter, but the child reacts sharply to any discomfort.

A reduced level of moisture in the room leads to sharp dust in the air, an increase in the number of pathogens and allergens. Most often, the results of dehydration are various negative conditions:

  • Asthma. When the body becomes dehydrated, areas of the lungs can be damaged, resulting in chronic inflammation of the respiratory system.
  • Allergic diseases. If there is a lack of moisture in the body, the level of histamines in the circulatory system increases. An allergy occurs, which can manifest itself as a rash, rhinitis, and itching sensations.
  • Dry skin. Dehydration damages the upper layers of the skin, resulting in dry patches on the child's body.
  • Dry mouth and nose. Low humidity causes the airways to dry out. Dry crusts form in the nasal cavity, and the child begins to cough.
  • Blood thickening. The volume of fluid decreases, the blood begins to thicken, which is extremely dangerous for the entire child’s body.

Thus, it is extremely important for an infant to be in a room with an optimal level of humidity. This is not just a whim, but the most important condition for normal child development

Be sure to remember this!

What humidity should be in a nursery?

Humidity in residential areas depends on the climate and season. In coastal regions and marshy areas, excess moisture in houses will become a problem; a ventilation system will help to cope with it. During the heating season, heating devices dry out the air. Frequent ventilation will increase the oxygen content and help get rid of excess carbon dioxide, but will cool the room.

An optimal microclimate is created by a recuperation system with humidity control, but it is very expensive to design and install; its arrangement is impossible in an apartment and not advisable in a small private house. Normal humidity levels are between 40 and 60%.

You can determine the humidity in a room based on your own observations. If you feel dry skin and mucous membranes, this indicates a lack of moisture. Oversaturation of air with water vapor causes a feeling of lack of oxygen.

To make a final decision on normalizing the microclimate, it is necessary to measure air humidity. Traditional methods do not provide the necessary accuracy, so it is best to use a purchased hygrometer and, based on its readings, purchase devices for air humidification.

Creating optimal conditions

In newborns, the mechanisms of thermoregulation are not yet sufficiently formed. For this reason, there is a risk of overheating or hypothermia of the child’s body.

According to experts, parents, based on this provision, often come to the wrong conclusion, namely, they pay too much attention to protecting the child from hypothermia. For example, when preparing to welcome a baby from the maternity hospital, mom and dad first of all buy an electric heater.

On a note. In the wards where newborns are located, the air temperature is maintained at 22 degrees (usually it is higher). Knowing this, parents strive to ensure that home conditions are as close to hospital conditions as possible. Fearing the cold, mom and dad often forget that the baby’s inability to perfectly control body temperature can cause not only hypothermia, but also overheating.

For children in the maternity hospital, the temperature is maintained at 22 degrees

What temperature should be maintained

The optimal temperature in a room for a newborn varies between 18-22 degrees. According to Dr. Komarovsky, the higher this value, the worse it is for the newborn. Thus, hypothermia is not as dangerous for the baby as overheating.

Most doctors are of the opinion that the ideal room temperature for a newborn is 22 degrees above zero. However, there is an alternative point of view, according to which this indicator is too high, and therefore will interfere with the baby’s ability to harden. In this regard, pediatricians suggest reducing the temperature in the room where the child is located to 19-20 degrees.

On a note. You should not rely on your own sensations caused by the temperature regime, since in adults the mechanisms of thermoregulation differ from those in children.

The above parameters are optimal for healthy full-term infants. If the baby is premature (born prematurely), then special conditions must be created for him. In this case, the room temperature for a newborn should be 24-25 degrees.

Air humidity

The need to control this parameter is explained by the same reason - the imperfection of thermoregulation mechanisms in infants. The temperature of the air that is exhaled is 36.6 degrees, humidity is 100%. The drier the inhaled streams, the more the body is forced to spend fluids to moisturize them, which negatively affects the health of the baby.

Air humidity and temperature can be measured with a special device

Danger of low humidity levels

Most Russian families live in special climatic conditions: there is a heating season for six months (all winter and partly in autumn and spring). The operation of heating systems leads to drying of indoor air. As a result, the parameter is reduced by approximately 2 times. The problem is further aggravated by the fact that household members are concerned about the risk of the child freezing, and therefore contribute to the active heating of the children's room. The air becomes even drier, increasing the risk of health problems. Such conditions can lead to problems such as:

  • Weakening of the protective functions of the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx due to their drying out;
  • Blood thickening;
  • Asthma;
  • Allergy;
  • Skin problems and more.

That is why it is very important to maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity in the apartment for newborns in winter. The following measures help maintain normal humidity:

  • Regular wet cleaning;
  • Open containers with water;
  • Spraying the room with a spray bottle;
  • Installation of decorative fountains;
  • Purchasing an aquarium;
  • Using a household air humidifier (there are 2 options: steam and ultrasonic).

Recommended medical values ​​for temperature and humidity in a child's bedroom

Pediatricians believe that maintaining an optimal temperature in a child’s room is the key to his excellent health and good sleep. The same goes for humidity levels.

Moreover, this is important not only for newborns, but also for children of all ages.

The most comfortable temperature is in the range from +18 to + 23 degrees, and air humidity is 40-60%. Under such conditions, all biological processes in a child’s body proceed normally and naturally, which ensures its proper physical and mental development.

For very active children who are constantly on the move, a lower temperature in the room is suitable, because during active games the body generates more heat. Therefore, in a cool nursery, the baby will not overheat or sweat, and this will help avoid colds. Children who prefer reading books, handicrafts, drawing and other types of creativity are in a calm state most of the time. They feel comfortable in a warmer room.

Regarding air humidity, it is worth noting that its lack or excess negatively affects the health and well-being of the child. If its indicator exceeds 60-70%, then mold fungi may appear in the room, which is simply unacceptable for a fragile child’s body. If there is insufficient humidity, the baby’s well-being worsens. Coughing and sore throat, difficulty in nasal breathing, dry skin, and a feeling of constant thirst may appear due to impaired water metabolism.

If the child is sick

During illness, maintaining a normal microclimate in the children's room is especially important. Most of the time the child is in bed or in a calm state, so it is better to provide 20-22 degrees in the room

At this temperature he will not be cold, and overheating of the body is also excluded.

Pediatricians recommend ventilating the room in which the patient is located more often. In this case, a small child should definitely be transferred to another room, and a teenager can be covered with a warm blanket. In hot weather, it is imperative to humidify the air. Another important point is to wet clean the nursery once or twice a day. This will get rid of dust in which pathogenic microorganisms find refuge.

Temperature in the room for a newborn Choosing clothes depending on the room temperature

Added 05/2017
Fragment of translation of advice for parents on caring for babies published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (publication dated 2015):

  • In cool temperatures (below 23.88 degrees Celsius): baby needs several layers of clothing to stay warm. As a general rule, it is best to dress your baby in a onesie and diaper, put on a onesie/pyjamas on top, and then wrap him in a blanket. You can also use a special sleeping bag as a blanket.
  • In hot temperatures (above 23.88 degrees Celsius): You can reduce the amount of clothing by one layer. It is also recommended to use the rule: dress your child one layer warmer than yourself.

Source here (eng).

From this publication we can conclude that official medicine considers the optimal temperature for a child from 1 to 3 years old who is at home in single-layer clothing to be 23.88 degrees Celsius.

What should be the temperature and humidity in a newborn’s room?

The baby spends almost entirely the first weeks of his life in his room, so it is very important to create a comfortable atmosphere in it. In addition, the newborn spends most of the day sleeping, as he is just beginning to adapt to new conditions.

Thermoregulation, like most body systems, is not yet fully formed. Therefore, parents must ensure optimal temperature and humidity in the nursery.

To keep the baby from freezing and overheating, pediatricians recommend keeping the room at +22 degrees and humidity 40-60%. And some experts believe that this figure can be reduced to 18-19 C0. This is the temperature in the room for a newborn that is most suitable for the baby to feel great, sleep peacefully and eat with appetite.

In the room where the baby is, try to keep the temperature within 18-20 degrees Celsius.

Normal indicators for a baby in winter

During the cold season, it is quite difficult to maintain the optimal temperature in the room for a newborn baby, due to the unstable operation of the central heating. Sometimes the room is too hot, and sometimes, on the contrary, it is cool. In addition, heating devices dry the air, which leads to a significant decrease in humidity levels. You can achieve the most comfortable temperature for winter + 23 degrees and 60% humidity in different ways.

You can reduce the temperature in the bedroom by covering the radiators with a special plastic or wooden box. Ventilating the room every four hours will not only reduce the temperature, but also provide the necessary humidity. Of course, while airing the newborn, you need to take it out of the room. You can increase the temperature using any modern heaters, without forgetting about humidifying the air.

Intense air circulation in the crib is also very important for good health and good sleep. Therefore, in winter, it is better to remove canopies and curtains so that the baby receives as much oxygen as possible.

Comfortable temperature for babies in summer

In summer, the temperature and humidity of the children's room almost entirely depends on weather conditions. Therefore, creating a favorable microclimate in it is even more difficult than during the cold period. Ventilation and artificial humidification of the air in extreme heat will not provide the optimal 22 degrees and fifty percent humidity.

The only solution to this problem is to install an air conditioner. If possible, it is better to place it in the next room. It is recommended to turn on this miracle of technology when the newborn is not indoors, for example, during a walk. Of course, it is necessary to promptly clean the filters of the device, in which pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate.

In order for the baby to feel good on hot days, it is necessary to ensure normal heat exchange in the body. To do this, pediatricians advise following simple rules in caring for your child. First of all, wear only light clothing made from cotton fabrics. Give him a little more water than on normal days. Carry out air and water procedures more often. Protect the child from exposure to sunlight. Do daily wet cleaning of the children's room, because in summer, when airing, much more dust gets into the room.

What to do in the off-season and with frequent temperature changes

In spring and autumn, maintaining an optimal level of humidity in the children's room is quite simple, since the street air is well saturated with moisture. A few ventilations are enough to provide a comfortable atmosphere in the room.

And there are no special problems with the temperature regime. If necessary, the child’s bedroom can be heated using modern appliances. And if it’s too hot, lower the temperature by ventilating. The main thing is to monitor the thermometer and hygrometer readings throughout the day.

In the off-season, pay special attention to your newborn's clothing. If the nursery is cool, it will take some time to restore the optimal temperature.

To keep your baby from getting cold and catching a cold, of course, you need to wear a warm blouse, pants, socks and a hat. Once the required parameters are reached, it is recommended to remove excess clothing to prevent overheating of the body.

What is bad about too high or low room temperature?

In young children, and especially in infants, thermoregulation processes work differently than in adults. It is more difficult for them to adapt to uncomfortable air temperatures. When the room is too hot, they sweat a lot, and when it is cold, they get colds and get sick.

A restful and long sleep is possible only at a comfortable temperature

Overheating causes not only sweating, which is unpleasant in itself.

Its consequences may be:

  • Miliaria, dermatitis;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • And due to the large loss of salts and fluids leaving the body with sweat, the baby’s digestion may also be impaired.

The child cannot say that he feels bad. Therefore, he cries, is capricious or becomes lethargic.

If you don't know why your baby is crying, make sure he's not too hot.

Doctors believe that overheating is even more dangerous than hypothermia. Of course, if we are not talking about sub-zero temperatures, they cannot exist in a normal house.

But insufficient heat can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • Development of inflammatory processes;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Lethargy;
  • Drowsiness.

Cool hands, feet and the back of the head indicate hypothermia.

This is why it is so important to maintain optimal air temperature in the nursery.

Air humidity

As mentioned above, intense loss of moisture in a child’s body can occur due to breathing at low air humidity. Considering the fact that most of our population lives in climatic conditions where the heating system operates indoors for almost half a year, leading to drying out the air, this problem is very relevant. What should the humidity be in order to eliminate this negative process - loss of moisture from the body?

Humidity between 50 and 70 percent is considered optimal. To monitor it, you can purchase a household hygrometer, which comes in several types. Digital and arrow symbols are more common. Their prices also vary, but you can find them at a very affordable price.

But control alone is not enough. Tools or devices are needed to create and maintain optimal climatic conditions in the room. Therefore, if your heating works normally during the cold season, there is no need to buy additional heaters. It's better to buy a humidifier. They come in steam and ultrasonic types. The latter are safer and quieter, but their price is slightly higher. Some models have a built-in hygrometer, eliminating the need to purchase one separately.

If the possibility of such a purchase is not available, a number of measures can be taken to improve the climate by other methods. One of these is the aquarium. You can also place wide containers filled with water. In these cases, humidification will occur due to natural evaporation of water. You can periodically use spray bottles filled with water (as a last resort) or hang wet towels on the radiators and change them regularly when dry.

Another solution could be decorative indoor fountains and frequent wet cleaning. Of course, these are half measures and only a humidifier can completely solve the problem of maintaining optimal humidity.

Methods of air humidification, monitoring and measuring humidity levels at home

We discussed above what air humidity is considered normal for an apartment as a whole and for each room in particular.
If indicators deviate from the norm, then there must be ways to stabilize them, we will talk about them in this section. During cold winters, your heating system can make the air in your home too dry, making it uncomfortable for you.

It can also cause cracks in woodwork and drywall.

To improve the moisture content of the air, you can install a humidifier in the room you spend the most time in or throughout your home.

During the summer, when the room is not heated, depending on the climate in your area, there may be either too much or too little moisture in the house.

The following measures are required to control humidity.

  • Ventilate the room regularly. However, despite its simplicity, this method is not the most effective. In summer, the air is not very saturated with moisture, and ventilation does not help to humidify the air. But in winter, opening the windows for 5-10 minutes will allow you to achieve a comfortable level of humidity for a person. The wider the windows are open, the faster the room will be ventilated; in addition, during this time the air will have time to renew itself with minimal heat loss, unlike a window left open in the room for a long time.
  • Increase the number of indoor plants, which have a beneficial effect on air humidification and are also a kind of natural “device” that can be used to measure air humidity: wrinkled and dried leaves are an indicator of a dry atmosphere. Plants perfectly ionize the air, and some of them, in addition to moisture, are capable of releasing organic substances that clean and disinfect the space.
  • The presence of an aquarium in the room also helps maintain a normal level of humidity; it is only necessary to regularly add evaporating water.
  • Do wet cleaning, ideally in the morning and evening.
  • Place vessels with water in the apartment, it is best to do this on window sills, near central heating radiators.

Evaporating water is a good means of humidifying the air. Unfortunately, this is far from hygienic and, in most cases, not at all aesthetic.

How to determine the air humidity in an apartment yourself, to understand whether there is a need to dehumidify or humidify the air? You should systematically monitor the microclimate and humidity level of your home.

How to measure air humidity at home:

Basically, for these purposes, a special device is used to measure indoor air humidity - a hygrometer. Today there are several types of hygrometers based on different operating principles. They can look like a small wall or table clock, have a mechanical or electronic display, and can be combined with thermometers to measure room temperature. For a hygrometer, the accuracy of the readings is primarily important. The maximum deviation in measurements should not exceed 1%; today's electronic hygrometers are quite accurate, but the device must be installed away from drafts.

In the absence of a special device that measures air humidity, you can find out this indicator using a simple glass beaker and water. To do this, you need to fill a glass with cold water and put it in the refrigerator until the temperature of the water in the container cools down to 3-5°C.

Place the cooled glass in a room away from a heating source and observe:

  • if the condensation has completely dried after 5-10 minutes, the air in the room is very dry;
  • if after 5-10 minutes condensation has collected in large drops on the walls of the glass and flows off them in streams, the air in the room is excessively humid;
  • normal humidity in the room if after 5-10 minutes the condensation has not dried, but has not flowed either.

Thus, the glass and water turn into a DIY hygrometer.

An ordinary mercury thermometer is another way to measure air humidity at home without a hygrometer, but this process is quite labor-intensive.

It is done in 2 stages:

  • The temperature in the room is measured and the thermometer readings are recorded.
  • The thermometer head is carefully wrapped in wet cotton wool or gauze, left for 10 minutes, then the temperature is measured again.
  • Find the difference between “dry” and “wet” temperatures and use a special table to determine the air humidity in the room.

The easiest way to humidify the air today is to purchase a special device, some of which are additionally equipped with a humidity meter.

What air temperature is desirable for a baby?

A large number of modern pediatricians conclude that the optimal temperature in a room for a newborn should be between 19-22 degrees Celsius! These are the most acceptable indicators that ensure normal thermoregulation in the body of a baby born at term!

All parents are afraid of catching a cold in their little child, but overheating when the temperature in the newborn’s room exceeds 23 degrees Celsius is not at all good for the baby. Getting rid of excess heat occurs during breathing and through the skin. If the room temperature is high enough, the process of losing heat through breathing becomes more difficult. The second heat transfer mechanism begins to work intensively: through the skin through sweating.

Hypothermia of a child is primarily dangerous:

  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract with many resulting complications;
  • slow weight gain, since the child spends most of the energy received from food not on his growth and development, but on keeping warm.

In cases of the birth of a premature baby - about 24-25 ° C

Please note that the temperature in the nursery, where the baby is constantly located, must be stable. A temperature of 18 degrees Celsius and below is dangerous for a baby, as it creates too great a contrast between the intrauterine environment of the mother, in which he spent 9 months, and the temperature regime of the maternity hospital wards, where it is now rarely below 22 degrees

The child begins to sweat, blush, has difficulty breathing, and his pulse quickens. The baby may become lethargic, whiny, and restless. Troubles such as prickly heat, dermatitis, urticaria, metabolic disorders and thermoregulation may occur.

In order to ensure a stable temperature in the room, experts recommend placing a thermometer near the baby’s bed. If the temperature readings deviate greatly from the recommended ones, they can and should be adjusted. You can lower the temperature using:

  • air conditioner;
  • ventilation of the room (pediatricians recommend at least 2 times a day), during which the temperature should drop by at least 2 degrees;
  • covering hot batteries with a thick blanket.

When lowering the temperature, you should always be very careful to ensure that the child does not end up in a draft or is exposed to a cold stream of air. It is, of course, better to ventilate the room when the baby is out for a walk.

And to increase the air temperature in the room, heaters should be used.

Of course, these methods cannot always be used. Therefore, do not forget that when the house is too warm, newborns need to be given more fluids and bathed more often. In addition, you can regulate the child’s well-being by the amount of clothing: only a diaper if it’s hot, or a cap and socks when it’s cold. You can also warm up your baby by placing a warm heating pad or a bottle of warm water in his bed. Many young mothers, putting a child who has fallen asleep in their arms into bed, put with him their robe, which the baby has just touched and whose warmth he has become accustomed to.

It is important to note that different children behave differently at the same room temperature. Therefore, first of all, you need to focus on the baby’s well-being.

If the temperature in the room differs slightly from the recommended values, but the child feels well, there is no need to change anything, because each person’s body is individual.

The air temperature in the room for a newborn is quite suitable if:

  • he sleeps well;
  • he doesn't sweat;
  • there is no redness or goose bumps on the skin;
  • limbs are warm;
  • breathing is calm and even.

Bathing the baby

Air temperature during bathing is one of the most important factors in a baby’s health. Some parents are confident that during and after bathing the air in the room should be warmer than at other times. Such parents, of course, can be understood: they strive with all their might to help the baby. However, this is a completely wrong position. Do not forget that the maximum temperature for the room is 23 degrees. And this should be the case before and after the child has been bathed.

How to care for a newborn baby, and what should a child be able to do at 1 month? - read here.

Nutrition during breastfeeding in the first month

Indicators of normal height and weight of a child by month, here.

In the case when the baby is bathed in a warmer room, the child will freeze after bathing at normal temperature. It is because of this that, when preparing to wash a child, it is strictly not recommended to increase the temperature. If you do not want your child to freeze after water procedures, simply cover him with a warm towel for a while. So, we can conclude that the temperature in the room should be constant. It should not change while the child is bathing or sleeping.

Ideal temperature and humidity: creating optimal conditions

Comfortable humidity and air temperature in the room of a small newborn must be created correctly, focusing on the season. So, in the summer, you can install an air conditioner to regulate air parameters.

It’s just important not to direct cold streams directly onto the baby’s crib.

The temperature both in the children's room and in the room for adults depends on the beginning of the heating season. If it has not yet arrived, and the house is cold, parents are advised to purchase a heater. In winter, it is extremely difficult to follow the standards, since the premises become overheated and “dry out”.

In order for temperature standards to come into order, experts advise adhering to certain recommendations, which should be discussed in more detail.

Ventilation of the room

Optimal humidity and temperature for sleep are especially important, otherwise it will be impossible to rock the baby normally and put him to sleep.

When ventilating the nursery, the newborn must be taken to another room.

This helps not only to optimize temperature and humidity, but also to saturate the room with oxygen. Another option is to go for a walk with your child.

Closing the battery

If central heating radiators are too hot and it is impossible to reduce the heating level, it is recommended to cover them with special wooden or plastic shields. You can also hang a thick cloth over the batteries.

Getting rid of canopies

A canopy crib is a very cute and aesthetically attractive structure. However, beautiful curtains can limit the child's access to oxygen, which leads to an increase in body temperature. To ensure free flow of air, it is best to get rid of the canopy or remove it while the child sleeps.

Carpets are a known dust collector and should be avoided too. In addition, it is worth getting rid of excess furniture, since clutter also disrupts the normal air circulation in the room.

Choosing the right clothes

The correct selection of clothes and bedding is important for a child.

It is important to stop wearing synthetic products for newborns. The skin in them does not breathe, therefore, there is a violation of the thermal regulation of the baby’s body

It’s better to avoid wearing a hat altogether.

In addition, you should not wrap your baby up if the room is hot, and expose him if the room temperature is low. Well, things made from natural fabrics will help create optimal conditions for restful sleep and active wakefulness.

More frequent feeding

It is known that breast milk contains 80% water, which means that breastfeeding quenches thirst and optimizes fluid levels in the body.

If your baby is fed formula, you can supplement him with water using a bottle between meals.

It is important to ensure that the liquid is at room temperature


In summer it is extremely difficult to provide optimal conditions; the child is hot and dry. In this case, you need to bathe the baby up to three times a day, but not for the purpose of cleanliness, but to improve well-being. Naturally, there is no need to use detergents.

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